Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching or Mentoring?

Coaching and mentMentoring neworing are related, yet different in their approaches to developing employees. Mentoring essentially has two aims. The first is to provide support for learning and growth , and the second is to be a resource for information and advice. The former is generally an encouraging role whereas the latter  draws on the mentor’s experience and insights into the organisation. Coaching is a more formal and structured relationship focused on improving behavior and performance generally to resolve present work issues or handle specific aspects of the job.

Benefits of Coaching & Mentoring

Working with a Business Coach and Mentor provides you with an opportunity to focus on issues that are specific to you and your business. We can work with you on a range of topics from a business diagnostic through to developing career and personal goals, with appropriate strategies and plans to achieve your goals.

If you are a manager, one of your major roles is to develop your staff. A very effective way of doing this, is to coach them. You can help them make better decisions, solve the problems that are constraining them, and gain new knowledge and skills. You can help them achieve their professional and personal goals. However, most people do not get formal training in coaching and have to develop this important skill themselves. If this is you, don’t be alarmed, we can assist you to become a very effective coach and mentor.

Our approach to Coaching & Mentoring – The GROW Model


We use a proven approach to coaching and mentoring – The GROW Model. The GROW Model is a simple yet powerful framework for structuring your coaching or mentoring sessions. The GROW Model uses a basic four step approach:

  • Establish your goal
  • Determine the baseline (current reality)
  • Explore the options
  • Establish the will

We are flexible in our approach and can modify the process, structure and length of intervention based on your feedback and your needs. We encourage you to work with us to tailor the process, thus ensuring you optimize the value.

Take the step today to improve your coaching and mentoring skills!