Education & TrainingCoaching & MentoringManagement Consulting

Education & Training

Training your staff can deliver significant benefits to your business. Training can improve efficiency and productivity, through standardisation, reduced error rates, reduced wastage and duplication of effort. Not only that, but training has been shown to have a clear link to employee morale and motivation, customer satisfaction and bottom line performance. Training isn't expensive, it is a very cost effective means of improving organisational capability and performance.

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Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring provide an alternative means to training to developing organisational capability. Coaching is the process of helping people learn and find solutions themselves, whereas mentoring requires an experienced or more knowledgeable person to guide those less experienced or less knowledgeable. Lawson Training & Consulting can provide coaching and mentoring services, and train your staff in coaching and mentoring.

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Management Consulting

Engaging management consultants can assist in bridging organisational capability gaps. If specialist expertise is needed, and there is insufficient time to develop the capability in-house, or it is only needed for a brief period of time, then engaging a consultant may be your best solution. Lawson Training & Consulting provides general business management consulting services and can quickly respond to your current and emerging needs.

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Are your assets at risk?

Looking at the newspapers recently, there are a number of articles alleging fraudulent acts of some considerable scale. If what is reported in the press is anything to judge by, then it demonstrates that businesses generally need to have a long hard look at their governance and internal controls. Whilst internal controls don’t eliminate the…

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The Case for Training

Training must provide a good return on investment, everybody’s doing it from companies investing in their employees to employees investing in their future! However, I generally find that organisations often don’t evaluate the return on investment from training, perhaps they see it as too difficult? But the question must be asked by the rational business manager….

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